Sunday, August 5, 2018

treasured friend

I met a girl
a stand out
with curly hair
beautiful curly hair

I saw her at

ever impressed by her


and her beautiful curly hair

she will always stand out

not just because of her
beautiful curly hair

because of her ability to live a life
overflowing with Jesus

we will miss seeing this girl
her beautiful curly hair
her beautiful family

but we know the next

just got a treasure

Saturday, August 4, 2018

New Things

the first born turned 19
Low key

soon 19 will be moving out
college life beckons

the mrs. still sees the little boy
who couldn't say Rs

a little sadness trys to sneak in
pride has left no room

good choices made

goals set

work ethic solid

friendships positive

19 is ready

the mrs. hope's she is too

Friday, July 7, 2017

Go kiss your grandma, y'all. Hug her tight.
Grandpa, too.

If you have a great grandparent,  go spend some time with them. Ask them to tell you about when they fell in love, or if they ever did something wild & crazy.

Sit next to them if they can't tell stories.
Hold a hand.

If you don't still have yours here on earth...

Go find one. Go find five.

Read a book, drink some coffee. Tell some old person about your day.

I bet you won't regret it.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

mind the gap

let's pretend there wasn't a 3 year gap

you would know that 
jobs change
pets die
kids grow

our church home changed.
& we are better because we have
three buildings we are comfortable worshiping
sweet Jesus in 

the mrs. now spends her child free days
with other people's children.
surprisingly fulfilled

the professor is in the trenches
relying on the unreliable
to support our
perfectly dysfunctional
and still finds ways to
bless even some of the worlds
strangest strangers

the firstborn surpasses expectations
of which there are plenty
he bought a car
shaves his face
looks like a man
he has faced man sized lessons
& through the disappointments
& the trials
the hope is that his heart is stronger because of it

the mouth
his quick wit makes us laugh 
the oldest 10 year old around
still wearing that heart on his sleeve

our darling
sweet like fresh pure honey
when she wants to be
other times
a feral cat
she can light up a room
may be stronger &
more stubborn than her siblings 

two four-legged members 
of our family
crossed into heaven
on what the mrs. hopes was a rainbow

friends come 
friends go
our home is not as open
as it once was
life is so busy
trying to be "in the moment"
is such a fleeting goal
& goals aren't on the mrs.'s list
of things she excels at
(that list is quite short actually
with self doubt at the top, followed quickly with
self deprecation)

so as always we put
one foot in front of the other
on our way
even if we aren't sure where it will take us
we just want to move forward

what about you?

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Animal magnetism

quite literally, perhaps forever the mrs. has always attracted animals


you name it, they find her.

in the yard. in the street. under the house...
some even come right up to the

they all somehow know she will bring them in,
feed them,
and do her darnedest to find their people.
when she does, its great.
when she doesn't there is the inevitable trip to animal control - where they always say "you again?!" because really didn't believe it was possible for one person to come in contact with so many lost or stray animals.

and, neither did she, neither did she.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

snow, not just another four letter word

when the phone rings before six in the morning it means there has been an accident or tragedy of some kind

today the 'tragedy' was snow

on the ground...
in tennessee...

not unheard of, but not usual enough to be familiar & so things slow to a halt as we all stare at the beauty falling around us
& wait for the call

the ringing phone brings a cheery (all too cheery for the hour) message of the laughable (to the mrs.) school cancelation
that inevitably occurs when anyone on the news (weather professional or not)
dares to predict
even the slightest possibility...

need she remind you that this place is not her home? (in the spiritual sense & the literal sense for which she now refers) even if it's comfortable now, it is not her home.

home is cattle & corn - as far as the eye can see
where winters draw on forever & snow covers everything
with wind so sharp & bitter it's sting stays vivid in memory
& where school is on - no matter the weather

& even if the mrs. will never understand how
two powdery inches of snow
(that will be gone by the days end)
can amount to the need to close school

she is learning to embrace & enjoy it

Thursday, January 31, 2013

forgiveness & mercy

as the mrs. sat sipping her first cup of coffee this morning, she was acutely aware of all the things that would still be begging for her attention tomorrow

(the laundry
mounded up in the
newly acquired pampasan chair
will not get folded in a timely manner
the bed probably wont get made, or even straightened
toys will remain scattered about the floor
patiently waiting for the next
barefooted victim

today's "to-do" list is short
not because her house is almost clean,
or because the mrs. found an amazing project on pinterest,
or there is an appointment of some kind to go to...

but because her life depends on it, her freedom depends on it

the mrs. is determined to let go of the guilt that holds her back, keeps her from
living the life god so desires for her... a life free in christ, because of his loving sacrifice for her!
the mrs. will accept the forgiveness and mercy that god gives abundantly and wants all of his children to receive

abandoning her freshly poured, second cup of coffee
quietly she retreats to her favorite spot, a corner chair
bathed in precious sunlight
she curls up
her eyes close

envisioning herself in a large dark room
a warehouse, probably
every movement's noise amplified by the complete emptiness of the space

in her hands the mrs. cups her guilt, her pain, her fears
things never spoken of
because who would know where to begin

tears flowing, the ugly truth pouring out of a broken woman

she makes her envisioned self move forward

her form is indistinguishable in the dark that has swallowed her
the time it takes to reach her destination is an eternity
she has traveled miles in this room


greeted at the throne
with acceptance
warmth of glowing innocence 
outstretched arms
a face that she can not bring her eyes to look upon
she falls to her knees

the weight of her burdened hands, burdened soul
suddenly, forcefully overwhelms her, repulses her
she releases her burden at his feet
she sobs mournfully at its impurity

relief washes over her
exhausted from emotion
covered in peace
she falls asleep...

the honk of a passing car is enough to wake the mrs. still curled in her chair
although she is certain she has been there for hours, the second hand on her clock insists
only fifteen minutes have passed since she made her retreat.

her head is clearer than it has been in awhile - her soul is lighter than it has ever been...
free actually

this is the first time she has accepted this gift & experienced true freedom
she closes her eyes once again & whispers "thank you Lord"